General Location
The Church is located at 1319 Trinity Dr. After the traffic light at Knect Street, prepare to turn left. Turn left after the second parkway after the light. Los Alamos is located approx. 35 miles northwest of Santa Fe, NM.
From Colorado
Take US 84-285 south to the turnoff to Los Alamos, just north of Pojoaque. Continue west on NM 502 for 18 miles, crossing the Rio Grande, continuing up to Los Alamos. Upon enter the town, after the traffic light at Knect Street, prepare to turn left. Turn left after the second parkway after the light.
From Santa Fe
Take US 84-285 north. Turn west onto NM 502 at the intersection in Pojoaque. Continue west on NM 502 for 18 miles, crossing the Rio Grande, continuing up to Los Alamos. Upon enter the town, after the traffic light at Knect Street, prepare to turn left. Turn left after the second parkway after the light.